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Top 10 Most Populated Muslim Countries in the World

At present, there are 57 Muslim countries in the world but there are quite a few that stand out because they strictly follow the teachings of Islam, thus being the most influential and important countries in the Muslim World. And today, we are here to take a good look and explore the top 10 most populated Muslim countries in the world as of 2024, which means, the countries that have the highest population out of all the other Muslim Countries. So yes, let’s get to just that, shall we?

1. Indonesia


Indonesia is the most populated Muslim country in the world. It also shows a rich democracy and mix of cultures with 279.1 million inhabitants, 86.7% being Muslims. This is the best example that shows how different religious and ethnic groups can live together. However, it has developed into a flourishing economy and cultural diversity due to its geographical location, an important point of trade. Though the challenges are very great, the effort made by Indonesia in keeping an inclusive society is really awesome and holds a central place in the Muslim world.

2. Pakistan


The second, Pakistan, is strategically located and kind of is the bastion of Islam. It has a total population of 241.5 million people, with Muslims taking 96.5%. This territory prides itself on strong Islamic roots and a paramount geographical position. Of course, there are a lot of political problems in Pakistan right now, but that doesn’t call into question that Pakistan is the 2nd most populated Muslim country in the world.

3. Nigeria


Being an African country with 230 million people, it is divided almost equally from the north by Islam and from the south by Christianity. This is an incredible country where, in addition to the local population and its hundreds of different ethnic groups, the religious and ethnic diversity of Africa shines into further richness of culture and complexity of society. One of the largest economies in Africa and large oil reserves make Nigeria hold a central place, not only in the development of Africa but also in world interest in the continent.

4. Bangladesh


Bangladesh is the fourth most populous country in the world, with 169.8 million people, 91.0% of which belong to the religion of Islam. Though it’s a small country, Bangladesh is the highest and most densely packed country in the world, and it has shown large resilience against adversities in the form of natural calamities and political turmoil. The garment industry, along with remittances from overseas Bangladeshis, constitutes the key factor in growing its economy.

5. Egypt


Egypt is a beacon for history and Arab culture located at the crossroads of continents, with 110 million Muslims being 94.7% of the population. The impact reached till today as Cairo became a center for learning Islam and learning Arab culture. It definitely helps in escaping from the efforts of peacemaking in the Middle East and leads to the lasting impact of the Arab League and Egypt on the region and the Arab world.

6. Iran


Iran stands out among the community of Muslim nations, with the majority of its 89.6 million people adhering to Shia Islam. Geographically, it lies strategically in the region, with surrounding shores washed by the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea. Iran is not just a country, but it is a major player in the Muslim world, represented by an overwhelming history in Islamic learning, stunning architecture, and traditions of world-class quality. The pulsating heart of the country, Tehran, is the capital of the country, where politics, the economy, and culture merge and present the depth of Iranian heritage. Actually, its effect is deeply connected with the past and present of Islam.

7. Turkey


Lying at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Turkey stands with a population of 85.3 million. The dominant religion is the Islamic faith, which is followed by 89-98% in the country. It has powerful elements of diversity in terms of cultural and geographic importance. Ankara, the country’s capital, and Istanbul, the largest city, both implicate the strong roots of Islam and guardianship over Muslim culture through time. The country is dotted with dazzling mosques and historic sites that tell the story of development in this area.

8. Sudan


Sudan is located in Northeast Africa and has an approximate population of 45.7 million people, of whom up to 96% are followers of the Islamic religion. Its capital city, Khartoum, is centrally located, considering the vast and complex cultural diversity of the nation. Islamic heritage influences directly, from everyday life and practice, and shows up in the architecture throughout all cities in Sudan with evidence of strong bonds with the Muslim community.

9. Algeria


The largest country in Africa, Algeria, has a population of 44 million people, of whom 99% are Muslims. The capital city, Algiers, has magnificent Ottoman mosques, the Casbah, and remnants of Islamic learning centers, all bearing testimony to the part that the country has and is playing in the Islamic world. Rich contribution to Islamic scholarship and culture draws a great country, its place, with prominence in the Muslim narrative across the globe.

10. Iraq


Lastly, home to 42.2 million people, Iraq boasts of an almost 95-98% population as Muslim; hence, a depth of Islamic heritage within its social fabric. Further, Baghdad, home to the Muslim Golden Age under the Abbasid Caliphate, speaks volumes for the excellence that the Islamic mind and architecture had reached at one point. For many decades, Iraq has served as the reason to invite Muslims from all over the world to the greatest of its Islamic places: mosques and madrasas.


That’s all there is for now. See, the population of the countries has drastically changed in the last two decades or so. That’s the reason, you can easily see a change in the ranking of this list in the next five to 10 years or so. But worry not, we’ll keep you posted about the top 10 most populated Muslim countries in the world.


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