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Top 10 Largest Producer Of Manganese In The World

Manganese is this metal that is found literally in abundance, right here on planet Earth. But why exactly do we mine it and process it though? Well, the thing is, manganese doesn’t have that much use as a metal, but it serves one purpose which is super significant to an entire industry. And yes, we are talking about the steel industry here. You see, manganese is actually used in various alloys, such as steel, but what exactly for? You should know that manganese actually makes steel a lot stronger than its natural or raw form. All in all, manganese has a significant purpose, and that’s why the mining of this metal ore is steadily increasing, not just in one specific region or country, but in the entire world. If that’s what you are intrigued about, then you’d love to read our today’s post till the very end. That’s because here we will be taking a good look at the top 10 largest producers of manganese in the world as of 2024. So yeah, let’s get to the actual list, shall we?

Countries With Highest Manganese Production

Manganese Production

1. South Africa

Right at the top of our list is South Africa, bagging the title of the world’s largest manganese producer. Can you believe it? A staggering 7.2 million metric tons a year! It’s not just about big numbers, though. South Africa’s got the Kalahari Basin to thank for this, packed with manganese reserves like you wouldn’t believe. High-quality, abundant, and just there for the taking, that’s South Africa’s manganese story. If you’re even remotely curious about the manganese biz, South Africa’s game is something you can’t ignore.

2. Gabon

Now, trailing behind but not too far is Gabon, sitting pretty at the second spot. They’re churning out 4.6 million metric tons of manganese annually. It’s been a journey for Gabon, really, with those massive manganese deposits paying off big time. Thanks to some serious cash pumped into mining, Gabon’s been climbing the ranks steadily. For anyone keeping an eye on the manganese market’s twists and turns, Gabon’s upswing is something you’ve got to watch out for.

3. Australia

Alright, next up, we’ve got Australia grabbing the third spot in the manganese race, contributing a cool 3.3 million metric tons each year. So, what’s Australia’s secret sauce? Two things: those rich manganese reserves and a mining game that’s nothing short of top-notch. This combo isn’t just about big hauls, it’s positioning Australia as a heavyweight in the global manganese scene. Get this: understanding Australia’s part in this is key to really getting the whole manganese market picture.

4. China

And here comes China, clinching the fourth place with a production of 990,000 metric tons. It’s a big number, but here’s the thing though, China eats up a huge chunk of its own manganese produce, mainly for making steel. They’ve had their share of hiccups, what with COVID-19 and all, but China’s still a major player in this game. For those of you diving deeper into manganese, especially how it’s used in steel, China’s double act as both producer and consumer is something worth wrapping your head around.

5. Ghana

Sneaking into the top five, we have Ghana. They’re not playing around, with 940,000 metric tons of manganese production. Check this out: they’ve jumped from 637,000 metric tons in 2020 to what they’re at now. Talk about making moves! Most of Ghana’s manganese treasure is tucked away in the western region, near Takoradi. If you’re exploring the African manganese market, keep your eyes on Ghana, they’re definitely on the rise. In the coming few years or so, it can happen that you see Ghana jump up on this list, surpassing China, and even hitting the new high target of production with more than 1 million metric tons of manganese in a year. We are saying that because Ghana sure has that potential since it is actually a hub for mining minerals in the African continent.

6. India

Now, let’s talk about India, sitting proudly at the sixth spot in the global manganese production league. Can you believe it? An impressive annual yield of 480,000 metric tons! That’s a big deal, especially considering India’s role as not just a producer but also one of the big-time consumers of manganese. This metal, mainly used in steel production, is like the backbone of India’s industrial scene, you know? So, when you dive into the whole manganese story, India’s balancing act between consuming and producing manganese is nothing short of fascinating.

7. Brazil

Alright, moving on to Brazil, holding the seventh position. With a production of 400,000 metric tons, it’s a significant figure, but here’s the twist though, it’s actually a drop from the past years. Now, Brazil isn’t just any player in the manganese game, nah man, it’s got rich deposits and a history of mining that puts it in the spotlight of the global manganese market. For those of you curious about the ups and downs in resource-rich countries like Brazil, the story behind its current manganese production scenario is something to keep an eye on, you know?

8. Ukraine

And then, there’s Ukraine, also churning out 400,000 metric tons, tying with Brazil at the seventh spot. But wait, there’s more to it. Ukraine’s manganese production has been a rollercoaster, thanks to a mix of political and military issues. Yet, despite these challenges, Ukraine stands tall in the manganese market, all thanks to its hefty reserves. For those keen on understanding how global events shape natural resource production, Ukraine’s journey in maintaining its manganese output is quite the eye-opener.

9. Ivory Coast

Let’s swing over to the Ivory Coast, or Cote d’Ivoire, as it’s officially known, landing at the ninth spot with a production of 360,000 metric tons. Now, this might seem just like another number, but in the grand scheme of the African manganese market, it’s a big deal. The country’s not just mining manganese, it’s shipping it off too, primarily to China, playing a pivotal role in the global manganese supply chain. If you’re digging into the African mining scene, Cote d’Ivoire’s impact on the manganese industry is a piece of the puzzle you can’t ignore.

10. Malaysia

Last on our list, but definitely not the least, is Malaysia, tying with Cote d’Ivoire, producing 360,000 metric tons. This number might just be the start of something big, marking Malaysia’s step into the manganese scene on the global stage, especially in the manganese ferroalloy sector. What’s exciting here is Malaysia’s recent leap into the manganese market, and its growing influence in the global supply narrative. For those tracking emerging players in the mineral resources game, Malaysia’s entry is like a fresh breeze, stirring up the usual dynamics.


There you have it. As of 2024, these are by far the largest producers of manganese or manganese ore in the entire world. Remember, there could be many more reserves to be found of this metal in many countries, so yeah, don’t be surprised when you see some of these countries we listed, ranking up the list in the coming few years or so. That also depends upon the mining rules and regulations in these countries, so yeah, keep an eye out for that as well.

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