World Unfolds

Unfolding The World


Top 10 Largest Producer Of Copper In The World

Copper has always been a super useful metal for us humans, and the use of copper actually dates quite a bit, much deeper in history than you can even imagine. Seriously, give it a look and you’ll know what we are talking about. But, let’s cut that out and talk about where this crazy useful metal comes from, or should we say, where we get it from. Copper is one such metal that is like everywhere, look around you, it could be in the wires in your house, in your gadgets for sure, and maybe, if you are all about that aesthetic look, it could be that your kitchen faucet is made out of copper, who knows, right? If that has got you intrigued, and now you actually want to know where all this metal is coming from, then you may want to just stick to this post until the very end. Why, though? Well, we are about to get down on a detailed list of the top 10 largest producers of copper in the world as of 2024, that’s why. So, let’s get to just that right away, shall we?

Countries with Highest Copper Production

Copper Production

1. Chile

Alright, let’s kick things off with Chile, shall we? This country isn’t just about those amazing Andes mountains or the Atacama desert; it’s a big shot in the copper world. Talking about 2024, Chile rocked it with a whopping 5.2 million tons of copper. That’s a massive 24% of the world’s copper, making Chile pretty much the king of copper production. Sure, they saw a bit of a dip compared to previous years, but hey, they’re still holding strong at the top. You’ve got these giant companies like Codelco and BHP operating some monster mines down there.

2. Peru

Now, it’s a neck-and-neck race for the second spot! But we’re giving it to Peru, just inching past the Democratic Republic Of Congo. And when you look at the numbers, it totally makes sense, like back in 2022, Peru was all in, mining a hefty 2.2 million metric tons of copper. That’s no small feat! Usually, Peru’s on top of their game, but they hit a snag with all that political drama and protests throwing a wrench in their mining works. Major mines like Quellaveco and Tia Maria are the big players, and guess what? A lot of their copper heads straight to China.

3. Democratic Republic of Congo

Now’s the time to finally talk about DRC aka Democratic Republic of Congo. As you might already know this country’s name because recently it has been in the headlines because of the cobalt mining on an international stage. But let’s just focus on the copper production side of things for now, shall we? Alright, so the DRC is doing better than ever, especially with big projects like Kamoa-Kakula by Ivanhoe Mines. Again, as we said earlier, it was a tie, which means Congo also produced about 2.2 million metric tons of copper in 2022. Their boost in making copper is a big deal, they now provide 11% of the world’s copper from their mines.

4. China

So, China’s not just the biggest user of copper in the world, but it’s also the fourth-biggest maker, producing 1.9 million MT. That’s a bit less than last year, and it’s kinda important because China really needs copper for building stuff and for transport. Big companies there, like Zijin Mining Group, are super important for keeping up with the country’s copper needs. But even with all they make, China still has to buy more from other countries.

5. United States

And yeah, don’t forget about the United States, sitting at number five in 2024. They amped up their copper game by 6%, reaching 1.3 million MT. Where’s all this copper coming from anyway? Think big mines in Arizona, New Mexico, and you guessed it, Utah. The star of the show? The Bingham Canyon mine in Utah, part of the Rio Tinto’s Kennecott operations. This mine’s a major player in boosting those numbers. The US isn’t just keeping all that copper to itself, though. They’re sharing the copper love, exporting it to other countries and all that.

6. Russia

Russia made some serious moves in the copper department lately, which explains why they just snatched the sixth spot on the list. In 2024, this nation, in the middle of a conflict, pumped out a whole 1 million MT of copper. Who saw that coming, right? It’s a whole different ballgame compared to just a year before you know? Turns out, their whole mining world is booming all around. Remember that gigantic Udokan mine way out in Siberia? Yeah, the one owned by some company called Udokan Copper? (Creative naming there, folks!). Anyway,  it’s still being built, but once that beast is operational, Russia’s numbers are just gonna skyrocket. Bet on it!

7. Indonesia

And did you know that Indonesia went nuts with copper production in 2024, cranking out an insane 920,000 MT?  Now that’s what we call a serious upgrade from last year! If you want proof, look no further than the Grasberg mine in Papua, it’s basically a copper-pumping monster out there! Thing is, it’s not even totally Indonesian-owned anymore, so there’s this whole negotiation thing happening right now between big-shot companies and the government. But like always, who knows how it’ll play out, right? On the other hand, though, one thing’s for sure, it could cause some big shifts in Indonesia’s future copper-producing game.

8. Australia

Alright, Australia’s been up to something too, bumping their copper production to a good amount of 830,000 MT. Sure, it might seem like a small step up from 813,000 MT the year before, but yeah, in the copper world, that’s no small thing especially when we are talking about the production of a super useful metal, you know? Australia’s playing the long game here, keeping it steady and strong. And the source of all this copper production? Check out the big leagues like BHP’s Olympic Dam in South Australia and the monster Mount Isa complex in Queensland, run by a Glencore offshoot. These mines are not messing around; they’re the heavy lifters putting Australia on the map not just locally, but in the global copper production stats.

9. Zambia

Now yeah, let’s swing over to Zambia. Things weren’t as rosy for them in the copper department in 2024. We’re looking at a bit of a tumble here, with production figures dropping to 770,000 MT, a step down from the previous 842,000 MT. This kind of puts Zambia under the spotlight, but not for the reasons they’d want. The big players in Zambia’s copper story? Barrick Gold’s Lumwana and First Quantum Minerals’ Kansanshi, these guys are pivotal. And yeah, don’t forget the government’s bold move, taking over Mopani Copper Mines. That’s not just a small change; it’s a game-changer, potentially reshaping the whole copper production narrative in Zambia.

10. Mexico

Now, when we talk about copper production on a global scale, you just can’t skip over Mexico, right? As of 2024, they’ve been doing pretty good, with their production numbers hitting around 740,000 MT. That’s a slight bump up from last year’s 734,000 MT, but hey, growth is growth! The star of the show in Mexico is Sonora, it’s not just any state, but the largest copper-producing one in the country. It’s where you’ll find the Buenavista del Cobre operation, which, by the way, is run by Grupo Mexico. This mine isn’t just another dot on the map; it’s a massive player in what Mexico brings to the table in copper production, not to mention its big-time role in the national economy.


That’s about it for today. Now you have a pretty good idea of which part of the world all that copper is coming from, right? We don’t know what you are gonna do with this information about worldwide copper production, but we hope that our post served you well today.


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