World Unfolds

Unfolding The World


Top 10 Largest Producer Of Cobalt In The World

Just a few months back, the news broke out that human rights violations are going on in the cobalt mines down in the Democratic Republic of Congo. And then the world came to know how people are literally mining this metal the illegal way just to earn a few bucks, and it is dangerously harmful to their health too. By that news, you may have come to know that DRC or Congo is the largest producer of cobalt in the world, right? Well, that’s right, but what other players are in this game though? You see, today’s post is all about just that because here we will be taking a good look at the top 10 largest producers of cobalt in the world as of 2024. Alright, here we go now.

Countries With Highest Cobalt Production


1. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Now, first things first, when you’re talking about cobalt production on a global scale, the Democratic Republic of Congo is literally the biggest one here. Can you believe it? This country alone pumps out a whopping 70% of the world’s cobalt! That’s right, in recent times, they’ve churned out an eye-popping 130,000 metric tons of this stuff. But yeah, there’s a reason why DRC is on top of this game, it’s all thanks to its enormous, mineral-laden lands, full of some of the biggest cobalt reserves you can find anywhere on the planet. But wait, here’s the catch though, cobalt mining in the DRC isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Nope, it’s pretty much tangled up in a bunch of controversies, ranging from human rights issues to child labor.

2. Indonesia

Alright, moving on to the next big shot in the cobalt world, Indonesia. This country’s really been making some waves lately. We’re talking about a jaw-dropping jump to 10,000 metric tons of cobalt production. That’s a massive leap from what they were doing before! And guess what’s fueling this skyrocketing growth? A whole lot of cash injections, especially from Chinese companies, all pumped into Indonesia’s battery metal supply chain. Remember back in 2019 when Indonesia said ‘no more’ to exporting nickel ore? Well, that move was a game-changer because, guess what, cobalt often tags along with nickel mining. Indonesia’s really playing its cards right, tapping into the ever-growing hunger for battery metals.

3. Russia

Now, when you talk about cobalt, you just can’t skip over Russia, right? Sitting at a production of a whopping 8,900 metric tons, Russia’s definitely making waves in the cobalt world. It’s all thanks to their massive natural reserves, which, hold your breath, are estimated at a staggering 250,000 metric tons. Most of the Russian cobalt comes from nickel mining, and it’s super crucial in the global market. But hey, there’s a catch though, the whole geopolitical tension scene, especially the Ukraine conflict, might just stir up Russia’s future in the cobalt market. As someone keeping an eye on this, you’ve gotta understand how these international dramas can totally shake up the cobalt scene, affecting everything from availability to how much you’re shelling out for it.

4. Australia

Moving on to Australia, and guess what? They’re not just about kangaroos and surfing. Nah! With their production hitting 5,900 metric tons, they’re climbing up the cobalt ladder pretty fast. Australia’s sitting on the second-largest cobalt reserves in the world, a mind-blowing 1,500,000 metric tons! Like many others, their cobalt’s mainly a side gig from nickel and copper mining. But here’s the interesting part, you see, Australia’s really shifting gears to focus more on cobalt, trying to meet that skyrocketing demand for battery stuff. Plus, their stable politics and top-notch mining tech play a huge part in their star role in the cobalt market.

5. Canada

And oh, Canada, wrapping up the top five with their 3,900 metric tons of cobalt production. Their cobalt story is tied up with major nickel and copper deposits, kind of a bonus from their mining. Canada’s mining scene is pretty solid, and they’re all about mining the right way, think sustainable, responsible, you get the drill. This dedication to doing things ethically, mixed with their crazy amount of natural resources, puts Canada on the map as a super reliable and key player in the global cobalt game.

6. Philippines

Now, let’s talk about the Philippines, shall we? This Southeast Asian gem is not just about stunning beaches and jaw-dropping scenery; it’s also a big player in the cobalt game. Can you believe it? They churned out a whopping 3,800 metric tons! That puts them right there at the sixth spot on our global leaderboard. Here’s the thing though, their cobalt story is all tangled up with nickel mining. And boy, do they have some rich mineral deposits to boast about! But hey, don’t just get lost in the numbers. What really spices things up is how the Philippines’ mining policies and environmental game plans are major players in shaping their spot in the cobalt world market. Pretty neat, right?

7. Cuba

Oh, and then there’s Cuba, tying neck and neck with the Philippines at 3,800 metric tons. But hold on, it’s not just about the numbers here. Have you heard about the Moa region in Cuba? That place is a hotbed for a pretty slick nickel-cobalt operation. It’s like a collaboration between the Canadian bigwig Sherritt International and Cuba’s very own General Nickel Company. Talk about global teamwork, huh? And here’s the real deal, their focus is on this thing called lateritic ore mining. What they do is, they transform it into this mix of sulfides that’s loaded with nickel and cobalt. It’s like Cuba’s carving out its very own niche in this cobalt supply chain jigsaw. Fascinating, isn’t it?

8. Papua New Guinea

Then on this little segment, is Papua New Guinea. Coming in hot with 3,000 metric tons, they’re showing the world they’re not just a pretty face in the Pacific. Most of their cobalt is like a cool bonus that comes from nickel mining, especially from this place called the Ramu nickel mine. What’s really intriguing here is how geography and geology are playing their cards right, making this little country a key player in the global mineral pool. Now, for you, the curious reader, diving into Papua New Guinea’s mining operations is like getting a sneak peek into the diverse and wild world of cobalt production. It’s a small world, but it’s full of big surprises, wouldn’t you agree?

9. Madagascar

Now, if you’re looking at number nine, it’s Madagascar that catches the eye. Yes, the same Madagascar known for its lush landscapes, but here’s the thing though, they’ve churned out 3,000 metric tons of cobalt! The bulk of this comes from their Ambatovy nickel-cobalt mine. What’s truly remarkable is how they’ve rallied in cobalt production, especially after being hit by the pandemic bit time.

10. Morocco

Rounding out our list at number ten is Morocco. With their production hitting 2,300 metric tons, they’re definitely a name to remember. So, where’s all this cobalt coming from? Look no further than the Bou Azzer mine, under the wing of the Managem Group. But hold on, unlike others, they’re not just tagging cobalt along with nickel or copper, they’re producing it as a stand-alone, which is pretty cool, don’t you think?


That’s pretty much it for today. So now you know, the cobalt that we have in our lithium batteries, where is that even coming from, right? See, there might be major ranking shifts to this list in the future, so yeah, keep an eye out for that.


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