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Islamic State Strikes Moscow: Concert Hall Attack Leaves Over 60 Dead

Over 60 Dead in Moscow Concert Hall Attack: Islamic State Claims Responsibility


A horrifying attack has occurred in Moscow, which has left people shocked worldwide. One of the most infamous places for hosting most of the big music events, Crocus City Hall, was witness to a terror attack in the most terrible manner.

The group of Islamic State aka ISIS said they carried it out. Unfortunately, over 60 people died, and more than 145 were injured. It just shows us how even places that we’d like to consider safe could be targeted. People who were there came for a concert. They expected an evening filled with music. Instead, they had the fear brought in by gunmen carrying bombs. A huge fire has been set off, and part of the roof collapsed inward. This has been the worst terror act in Moscow for many years. The “Picnic” group was going to perform, but the hall was turned into a place of horror, with everybody trying to escape both the shooting and the fire.

Around 100 people were rescued from the basement, and there are ongoing efforts to help those who ended up on the roof. This followed the re-election of President Vladimir Putin in a context of everybody’s concern for safety, because of the conflict with Ukraine. Up until now, Moscow was spared of all the chaos and all these problems. But now, things have significantly changed, especially in the last two years or so. The government has quickly said they will help the victims, with Putin himself wishing them a quick recovery.

The whole world has been shocked by this attack. Leaders across the world, speaking from different nations, have condemned it, from the White House to the Elysee Palace, and expressed words of encouragement to Russia. The mayor of Moscow has suspended public events for now, and the city has turned into a place for mourning and thinking about what had happened.


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