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Goodbye WordPad: Microsoft Retires Its Classic Word Processor After 30 Years

Believe it or not, after an awesome 30 years together, Microsoft has just called that it is finally time to say goodbye to WordPad.

Microsoft Corporation

That basic but much-loved word-processing tool has been part of the OS since Windows first made an appearance in 1995. Now, we’re witnessing a huge change for many where Microsoft has confirmed that they will be removing WordPad in the Windows 11 version 24H2 and Windows Server 2025. This is more like a part of a larger effort by Microsoft to clean up the Windows operating system. They cut out the old features and software that don’t go with the tech world of today. Although WordPad features have been known and are common in every version of Windows, it has lost its charm somehow. At least that’s what they (Microsoft) say. Nowadays, much more sophisticated word-processing tools that offer a number of functionalities and much better-integrated solutions have come into the picture.

Microsoft has made a big move for those who use WordPad for simple writing jobs. Now there are so many directions to try out newer alternatives that bring more features and better tools to the table. For example, take the new Notepad. It includes a new look with features such as tabs for easier switching between documents and a dark mode that is easy on the eyes.

Add to that Microsoft Office 365 and an online edition, and, of course, Google Docs, making you feel even more at home and coming prepared with the very best tools to get your work done. It was an important moment for Windows as it set WordPad aside, evidence that technology has moved on from what we used to have, and what users expect of it.

Sure, it may leave others a little bit sad, but this also means that we’re entering into times where software and services get better and better, ever readier to meet the challenges that the world of technology has in store for us. And with that, we wave goodbye to WordPad, and yes, there will soon be new breakthroughs and improvements, shaping the way for word processing and productivity tools for the years to come.


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