World Unfolds

Unfolding The World


Top 10 Cleanest Village In The World

You may have heard of the cleanest countries and cleanest cities in the world, right? But have you heard of the cleanest villages in the entire world? Well, there are so many of them, but many of you might already know Mawlynnong as the cleanest village in the world, which is from India. That’s kinda the opposite of what you have heard about India, right? But the ground reality is always different, not the things you always see in Hollywood movies and News about a particular place, or about anything for that matter. Well, let’s cut out the bluff, we are actually here to let you know about the top 10 cleanest villages in the world as of 2024. And that’s what we will be doing, so let’s get to it right away, shall we?

List of Most Clean Village in the World

1. Mawlynnong in Meghalaya, India

Mawlynnong in Meghalaya

Imagine a place so clean you could eat off the ground, well, that’s pretty much Mawlynnong for you. Nestled in India, this village is like a secret garden. People here are super serious about keeping the place spotless. They use bamboo bins for trash, so you won’t see any litter around. What’s super cool though? They’ve got bridges made out of living tree roots! Plus, everyone knows how to read and write, and they all get along like one big happy family. While visiting this village, you won’t even feel like you are visiting a place, it would be more like you have come to someone’s big open house as a guest and the hosts know how to treat you well, you know? Want a peaceful spot surrounded by nature? Mawlynnong is your go-to.

2. Giethoorn in The Netherlands

Giethoorn in The Netherlands

Ever heard of a village with no cars, just canals? Well, that is literally Giethoorn, often called the “Venice of the North.” It’s as pretty as a picture with small houses and boats gliding on water channels. This unique setup keeps the village quiet and the air clean. Visiting Giethoorn feels like stepping into a calm, beautiful world where nature sings quite literally! If you have been to a calm and clean village then you’ll know what we are talking about. It’s a perfect escape for anyone looking to breathe in some fresh air and enjoy quiet moments.

3. Yana in Karnataka, India

Yana in Karnataka

Third on the list, but the second village from India is on our list today, and for good reasons actually. You see, tucked away in India’s lush forests, Yana is a hidden gem known for its stunning rock formations and clean, green surroundings. The people here go the extra mile to keep their village tidy and protect the environment, you know? It’s kinda a paradise for anyone who loves the outdoors. With clean paths and natural beauty everywhere, Yana shows us how living close to nature should be.

4. Panglipuran Village in Bali, Indonesia

Panglipuran Village in Bali

Picture a place where tradition meets cleanliness, that’s pretty much Panglipuran in Bali. Walking through this village is like traveling back in time, but with a twist: everything is super clean, and you’ll end up loving just that about this village in Bali. The villagers have a special way of keeping their houses and streets spotless. They even have a sacred bamboo forest that’s as green as it gets. Panglipuran is a shining example of how to live in harmony with nature and hold onto cultural roots.

5. Majuli in Assam, India

Majuli in Assam

Coming up in the top five on our list, but no less amazing, is Majuli. You see, in this particular village in Asam, India, erosion is a big issue, but do you see the worry on the villagers’ faces? Not a tiny bit actually! When you are paying a visit to this island village, you’ll see the colorful culture, traditional arts, and festivals they have going on there. In our opinion, you see, Majuli is a place where you’ll find an awesome combo of community and nature blending perfectly.

6. Idukki, Kerala, India


At first, this one might seem like just any other village which is just clean, but nah! There is actually history attached to this village, and a deeply rooted one to be honest. You see, long ago, some kings called the Chera dynasty made it special, and it’s still special today because people here love nature a lot. This village has made it to this list because the people there take care of their land, grow tasty spices, and make sure animals are happy.

7. Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, India


And now, let’s visit a village that has a fancy name, yes, it is Ziro, again, another Indian village on the list. If you go up in the mountains of Arunachal Pradesh, that’s precisely where you’ll stumble upon this village, and you’ll come to know about this village way before you arrive there. That’s because the people in Arunachal Pradesh will let you know about this cleanest village in the state. It’s so pretty, with soft hills and lots of bamboo trees, like you’ll be dazzled by the beauty of the place, quite literally! And the people of this village are kinda guardians of nature, they don’t let anything come in their way to stop them from keeping the place clean, and that’s one of the biggest reasons why this village from India has made it to this list.

8. Matheran, Maharashtra, India


Imagine a place with no cars, just clean air and the sound of birds, sounds like heaven, doesn’t it? Well, that’s actually Matheran right here on planet Earth. It’s a special village in Maharashtra, India, where no cars are allowed, and that’s a bit odd in today’s world where cars, bikes, buses, and trains are everything, you know? This means you can walk around without coughing or covering your ears, which would be the stand-out thing if you decide to visit this place.

9. Agatti, Lakshadweep, India


Next in line, is a village from a part of India which is getting a lot of attention these days, and yes, we are talking about Lakshadweep. While exploring India, if you have that dream to watch your toes soak in shallow blue water while standing on white beach sand, well then, Agatti is the village you must pay a visit to, you know? And this village has made it to this list, not because of the sheer beauty of the place, nah, but actually because of the cleanliness you’ll see all around you while staying in this village.

10. Khonoma, Nagaland, India


Last but no less impressive at all, is Khonoma in Nagaland, again in India. That’s like the eighth village from India on this list, and we are not being biased here though. Talking about this village, it is actually known as India’s first green village, and for good reason. Simply put though, people here have a big heart for nature. If you think about it and notice, you’ll see that the people of this village are actually pretty smart, they know how to save water and how to keep their forests healthy and full of life, no matter what.


Alright, that’s all there is for now. So yeah, if you consider yourself to be a true admirer of nature and rural beauty, then you must visit these villages and see how the people have kept the communities tight-knit and their villages super clean.


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