World Unfolds

Unfolding The World


Top 10 Largest Producer Of Mango In The World

King of Fruits, mango, is loved the whole wide world over. Its richness in sweetness and versatility of possible applications make it thus popular. Legendary as “King of Fruits,” pulpy flesh of the ripe fruit has a tropical symphony in…

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Salt In The World

Salt has been used to preserve food, enhanced the taste and even as payment since time in memory. Salt also goes by other names, namely rock salt, halite, common salt or table salt among others, and it is one of…

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Apple In The World

In the world of agriculture, apples stand for health and refreshment and are loved by people all over. The popularity of apple is primarily because it contains antioxidants and fiber which basically are two very important elements found in apples….

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Saffron In The World

Saffron is the vibrant aromatic spice obtained from the flower Crocus sativus. The word of saffron has originated from the Arabic word Zafaran which means gold to expose the high value of Saffron since early times. Other than for culinary…

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Oilseeds In The World

The prominence of oilseed production intensifies with the rise in world demand for edible oils and vegetable oils. In 2024, various countries are prominent as among the key producers of oilseeds across the world. These countries are very instrumental in…

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Medicine In The World

Medicines are something we all need, and there is no doubt about that, which is pretty much the reason why the pharma industry in the entire world is never gonna fail, at least that’s what appears from the looks of…

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Cobalt In The World

Just a few months back, the news broke out that human rights violations are going on in the cobalt mines down in the Democratic Republic of Congo. And then the world came to know how people are literally mining this…

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Cocoa In The World

Now, chocolate is something that needs no introduction or explanation, right? And do you know, the most essential ingredient for making chocolate is actually cocoa fruit beans? But the thing is, this cocoa fruit isn’t found in any country or…

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Wool In The World

In the wintertime, we all love those wool-made clothes that keep you cozy, you know? But where does that wool actually come from? Of course, that comes from sheep, but we are talking in the sense of which part of…

Top 10 Largest Producer Of Coconut In The World

Coconut, being referred to as the “tree of life,” is significant in a global aspect in having utilization in cooking, as skincare purposes, and its oil is derived for use as base for industrial products. Constantly developing the coconut industry,…