World Unfolds

Unfolding The World


Top 10 Biggest Cricket Leagues In The World

Whether you have watched cricket matches just a few times, or you may be a big cricket fan, we all can agree on one thing: watching a cricket match, especially those T20 ones is a thrilling experience, well at least most of the time. And that fun gets doubled, or tripled when there is a big tournament or cricket league happening, like IPL or Big Bash League, you know? Well, if you consider yourself a true cricket fan, then you must know about some absolutely famous and big cricket leagues in the world, which can keep you hooked literally every year. And that’s precisely what we are here to talk about because today’s post is to let you know about the top 10 biggest cricket leagues in the world as of 2024. So yeah, let’s get started with just that.

List of Top Cricket Leagues In The World

1. Indian Premier League (IPL)

Indian Premier League

When the talk is about the best, biggest, top, and most famous cricket leagues, there is no way anyone is missing out on the Indian Premier League or IPL for short. Not just in our opinion, it is actually THE best and biggest cricket league in the world as per any expert or cricket fan out there. It all started way back in 2008 when the BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) decided to introduce this new T20 Cricket league to the cricket fans, and what a hit it was from the very first season. Phenomenal! To be honest, it was kinda like a festival for cricket fans, not just in India though, but people were enjoying this league from all around the globe.

2. Big Bash League (BBL)

Big Bash League

Okay, you know how the IPL is like THE cricket event? Well, Australia’s got their own version, and it’s the Big Bash League! Started way back in 2011 (pretty new compared to some), and let me tell you, it adds some serious sizzle to those hot Aussie summers. They saw what India was doing with IPL and kinda took some notes, teams based in cities, the whole shebang. It’s been a total win! You want family-friendly? No issue at all! Want an even shorter cricket format, like T10? Yeah, in BBL, you’ll get all of that. Seriously, hats off to Cricket Australia for this one, the BBL’s basically become a can’t-miss part of every year.

3. Caribbean Premier League (CPL)

Caribbean Premier League

If you’re in the mood for a cricket party, the Caribbean Premier League could just be your thing! This thing burst onto the scene in 2013 and man, those Caribbean cricketing nations know how to have a good time. The crowds? Epic! The energy? You can feel it all the way over here! These games are serious but it’s about showcasing the whole Caribbean style too. Top-notch talent from the islands getting to play with world-famous stars? Now that’s a winning combo! The CPL takes this cricketing history, which those guys are super proud of, and mixes it with amazing vibes. No wonder it’s such a blast to watch!

4. Pakistan Super League (PSL)

Pakistan Super League

The Pakistan Super League (PSL) might be a little newer than some, started in 2016, but don’t be fooled though! This has been massive for Pakistani cricket. Not just amazing skills on display (and seriously, they’ve got it), but bringing cricket back home has been huge. They had some troubles for a while, so the PSL’s done wonders. They get how to build a proper league, finding a sweet spot between close games and that over-the-top Pakistani excitement in the stands. It’s like the PSL brought back a spark, you know?

5. Vitality Blast (T20 Blast)

Vitality Blast

Alright, England gets to brag a bit here. They’ve got the Vitality Blast (used to be the T20 Blast), and they were basically, like, the pioneers of this whole T20 thing!  We’re talking 2003, that’s some seriously old-school league action right there. They basically figured out how to cram all the best bits of cricket into short, wild matches, and BOOM, changed the game forever. This isn’t just fun to watch, it’s where all those hotshot young English players prove themselves like with high-pressure matches, all that good stuff.

6. Ram Slam T20 Challenge

Ram Slam T20 Challenge

Many of you might not know this, but Ram Slam T20 Challenge is one of the oldest cricket leagues out there, yeah, older than IPL. But this isn’t quite as popular as some other cricket leagues mentioned here, right? But why’s that though? You see, it is all in the budget, but still, if you want to see some South African players have a battle on the cricket field, you gotta watch this one. And it is not like they only have South African players, nah, you can see some international stars on the field too, like from other international teams like India, England, Australia, or West Indies.

7. Sri Lanka Premier League (SLPL)

Sri Lanka Premier League

Looking at IPL’s success, Sri Lanka also decided to come up with their own version of IPL, which we now know as SLPL aka Sri Lanka Premier League. And that was pretty understandable considering how obsessed Sri Lanka’s general public is about cricket, you know? Well, it all began in 2012, and ever since, this whole SLPL thing is going kinda strong. The main goal of this league was to invite international players in the country, and let the new Sri Lankan players learn from them.

8. Masters Champions League (MCL)

Masters Champions League

Okay, listen, listen, imagine all those retired cricketing legends who used to blow your mind, back on the field like nothing’s changed! That, my friend, was what the Masters Champions League was all about! They kicked this off in 2016 in the UAE, and boy, did it get people riled up. Fans who missed watching their favorites were all over this. And yeah, it kinda struggled a bit in the end, but nothing quite beats that rush of seeing those past champs show they still got the moves.

9. Nepal Premier League (EPL)

Cricket’s going nuts in Nepal, and their Everest Premier League (EPL) is a huge reason behind it! It’s fairly new on the scene, but wow, does it pack a punch. Crazed fans? Why not! But here’s the coolest part: Nepali players getting to squad up with big names from all over? Now that’s how you build a scene! This isn’t just about Nepal showing off its cricket skills (which, mind you, they’re doing). It’s about telling everyone on the planet that cricket is spreading, and ain’t no one gonna stop it! Now that’s awesome.

10. Bangladesh Premier League (BPL)

Bangladesh Premier League

Ever seen a Bangladeshi cricket crowd? Those folks are passionate with a capital P! So it’s no wonder the Bangladesh Premier League is basically their version of the Super Bowl. This bad boy appeared in 2012 and straight-up became THE sporting event for the country. They took a good look at what worked in other leagues and were like, “Hey, we can do that too!” They set up the BPL to seriously raise the game of their local players, get them sharp in those intense T20 matches. Now, it’s all down-to-the-wire nail-biters, screaming fans, and tons of hidden talent surfacing. The BPL is seriously why the Bangladesh national team is so much tougher to beat these days, not bad at all!


There you have it. See, some of these leagues are new, and some have been there for a while, but one thing is clear, in literally every cricket league, cricket fans enjoy every match with unmatched excitement. That’s for sure.


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