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Wrist BP Monitor: Benefits and Drawbacks

If you are looking for BP Monitors with the cuff placement, you will find two major categories. The first is the wrist cuff BP monitor, and the second is the arm cuff BP monitor. Among the two options, the Arm Cuff BP Monitors are very popular. However, you will also find the arm cuff BP Monitors in many places. So, which one of these is better? We dedicated this article to Wrist Cuff BP Monitors since you might already know much about the Arm Cuff BP Monitors.

So, let us now check out the benefits and drawbacks of the wrist BP Monitors which will help you make a purchase decision.

Wrist BP Monitor

Benefits of Wrist BP Monitor

We will first discuss the benefits of the wrist BP Monitors. This will help you understand what you are getting when buying wrist BP Monitors. So, go ahead and check out the pointers below.

  • Compact – The first positive point about the wrist BP monitor is that they are very compact. You can fit them in your handbag without wasting a lot of space. The compact nature of the wrist BP monitor makes them one of the most preferred options.
  • Best for Travel – Many people prefer a wrist BP monitor when travelling. These BP monitors don’t have a rubber pipe, so there is no risk of puncture or damage to the pipe either. In such a case, wrist BP monitors are specially designed for people who love to travel.
  • One Size Fit All – The variation in size of people’s wrists is very little. So, when you buy a wrist BP monitor, you can be assured that one size will fit everyone. You will be able to use a wrist BP monitor for everyone. It is even possible to use this type of BP monitor for kids.
  • No Effect of Cuff Placement – The arm cuff BP monitor is highly dependent on the placement of the cuff. In the case of the wrist BP monitor, this is not the case. The readings are not impacted because of the cuff placement, so the chances of not getting a proper reading reduces.

Drawbacks of Wrist BP Monitor

There are also some disadvantages associated with the wrist BP Monitors. So, go ahead and check them out below to understand the product better.

  • Inaccurate – The problem with the wrist BP monitor is that they are inaccurate. They are not very inaccurate, but they are more inaccurate when compared with the traditional BP monitor. In such a case, we would only recommend using the wrist BP monitor if you are fine with an estimated BP reading.
  • Measurement Method – The method used for calculating the blood pressure on the wrist BP monitor is different. The wrist BP monitor measures the arterial pressure, and based on it, the machine calculates the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. So, this can often lead to some deviation from the regular reading.

Final Verdict

This was all about the wrist BP Monitors. By going through the points, you would have realized that the wrist BP Monitors are slightly inaccurate compared to the arm cuff BP Monitors. The ideal and recommended way of measuring the BP is by using the arm cuff and by maintaining the same level of height between the cuff and the machine. In such a case, we would only recommend going for a wrist BP monitor if you travel a lot and if you can manage with slightly inaccurate readings.


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