World Unfolds

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Top 10 Largest Producer of Groundnut in the World

Peanuts aka groundnuts are super famous all around the globe, not just because of the incredible taste they have, especially after roasting them a bit, but because they do have a lot of nutritional value. And that is precisely why we all love these groundnuts. But the thing is, there is a lot of difference in terms of the nutritional content and the overall taste of the groundnuts based on which part of the world they are grown in. If that’s what you are feeling intrigued about right now, then that could be the reason why you landed on today’s post, right? Well, here we will be taking a good look at the top 10 largest producers of groundnut in the world as of 2024. So yeah, let’s get to it right away, shall we?

Countries With Highest Groundnut Production


1. China

Alright, let’s kick things off with China. Now, you won’t believe it, but China is literally at the top of the game when it comes to groundnuts. We’re talking a whopping 18.36 million metric tons as of 2021! and it is expecting to reach 19 million metric tons to this year 2024, That’s not just a number, it’s a testament to how China is playing the groundnut game on a whole other level. It’s not just about being the big boss in the global market, nah, it’s also about their super advanced agricultural techniques and all that vast land they’ve got for cultivation. So yeah, if you’re even remotely interested in the global groundnut hustle, keep your eyes on China, they’re not just influencing the market, they’re practically setting the prices!

2. India

Next up, India, and let me tell you, they’re not far behind. With an impressive 10.24 million metric tons of groundnuts, India’s not just playing, they’re slaying in the agricultural sector. Groundnut production isn’t just a number here; it’s a lifeline for millions of farmers, woven into the very fabric of the economy. And get this, the country’s like a groundnut paradise, thanks to its crazy diverse climate and soil types. They’re not just feeding the nation; they’re also taking a giant leap in the global groundnut league. Yep, from domestic munching to international markets, India’s making some serious groundnut waves!

3. Nigeria

Now, let’s swing over to the heart of Africa, where Nigeria is making some serious waves, folks! We’re talking a whopping 4.61 million metric tons of groundnuts, can you believe that? This isn’t just about numbers, though. It’s Nigeria stepping up as the big player in groundnut production in Africa, and yeah, they’re not stopping there. These Nigerian groundnuts? They’re top-notch, a real treat in local meals, and boy, do they sell like hotcakes internationally. It’s more than just farming, it’s Nigeria putting its mark on the world map in the agriculture game, boosting its economy like nobody’s business.

4. United States

Alright, now let’s zip across to the United States. Hold onto your hats because they’re churning out 2.90 million metric tons of these crunchy delights. But here’s the thing though, it’s all about the tech magic they’ve got going on. The U.S. is not playing around when it comes to farming smarts, using all sorts of high-tech wizardry to pump out both quality and quantity. And guess what? It’s not just for their own backyard barbecues. Nope, they’re shipping these beauties across the globe, making a splash in the international groundnut scene.

5. Sudan

Now, let’s dive into Sudan’s story, alright? Holding a strong position with a whopping 2.36 million metric tons, Sudan is making some serious waves in the groundnut game. Sure, it’s not all smooth sailing, think climate hurdles and a bit of a tech crunch, but hey, look at how they’re acing it! It’s like Sudan’s showing off its agricultural muscles here, not just keeping the locals happy with the supply but also throwing a punch in the global groundnut ring. Really, it’s kind of a big deal, showing us just how much of a player Sudan is becoming in this field.

6. Senegal

And then, there’s Senegal, stepping up to the plate with a cool 1.68 million metric tons. Now, we’re not just talking peanuts here, we’re talking about a major league player in West Africa. It’s like groundnuts are the heart and soul of Senegal’s agriculture, and guess what? It’s also fueling their economy like crazy. These aren’t just any groundnuts; they’re top-notch, grade-A stuff, becoming a hot commodity in the export biz. So, if you’re on the hunt for groundnuts with a global flair, you can bet that Senegal’s got something special up its sleeve in the international market scene.

7. Myanmar

Now, let’s jet off to Asia, where Myanmar is making some real waves in the groundnut game. We are talking about a whopping 1.60 million metric tons of groundnuts here! It’s not just about the numbers, though. In Myanmar, groundnuts aren’t just crops; they’re a way of life, deeply woven into the fabric of its agricultural heartbeat. Supporting a vast number of folks in the countryside, these little nuts are more than just munchies, they’re a lifeline. And let’s not forget, Myanmar’s groundnuts aren’t just feeding the locals, they’re out there, making their mark in the global markets.

8. Argentina

Alright, next stop: Argentina! This place is like the all-rounder in agriculture, but wait till you hear about their groundnut story. We’re talking about a solid 1.27 million metric tons! Argentina’s got this magical combo of rich soil and just-right weather, perfect for growing top-notch groundnuts. But it’s not just about growing them, Argentina’s nuts are going places, literally. They’re a big hit not only at home but also on the global stage, especially in Europe and North America. Think of Argentina’s groundnut scene as this powerhouse that not only satisfies the local munchies but also dishes out world-class groundnuts to snackers across the globe.

9. Guinea

So, stepping into the vibrant heart of Africa, guess who we find making a grand groundnut statement? It’s Guinea, folks! Holding strong with a production of 0.91 million metric tons, now that’s no small feat. And yeah, they’ve had their share of hurdles, like not exactly being good at advanced farming tech, but guess what? They’re not just getting by; they’re absolutely killing it in the groundnut arena. This is more than just about numbers, you see. It’s a clear shout-out to the resilience and untapped potential of Guinea’s agriculture.

10. Chad

And here comes Chad. With a production hitting 0.80 million metric tons, they’re doing more than just making a mark. Think about it, they’re facing off against climate issues and infrastructural headaches, yet they’re pulling off some serious groundnut magic. But hold on, it’s not just about agriculture. In Chad, groundnuts are life. They’re the bread and butter for countless communities, a lifeline offering food on the table and money in the pocket. The road to groundnut glory in Chad? It’s rocky, it’s tough, but oh, so inspiring. They’re not just part of the economy, they’re a cornerstone of hope and survival.


That’s about it for today. We tried our best to deliver as much information as we could about the whole production side of things related to groundnuts on a global stage. Now, we don’t know what purpose this information about groundnut production will help you, but we hope that our today’s post served you well.

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