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8 Steps to Hiring a Trainer for Your Reactive Dog in Syracuse

If your pet tends to react poorly to every stimuli that comes its way while you’re on walks, or even while you are at home, then you certainly have to do something about it. This problem is known as dog reactivity, and it can certainly be rather overwhelming and stressful, both for the animal and for you as the owner. Caring for your pet is important, and it sometimes involves the inclusion of professionals into the mix – professionals that can resolve the reactivity problem, or any other behavioral issues that your canine may be exhibiting.

Here is how to care for the animal, if you’re a new dog owner:


Anyway, as hinted at, reactive dogs have to work with trainers in order for this problem to be resolved. While you most definitely understand that already, there is a chance that you’re not sure about what it is that you should do in order to choose a good trainer in Syracuse for your reactive pet. So, that is the topic that we will focus on today. In few words, below I will list the steps you should take towards hiring the perfect professional for the job.

1. Figure Out What Your Pet Needs First

You shouldn’t start contacting any trainers before you figure out what it is precisely that your pet needs. Sure, you know that it is reactive and that this is the problem you need help with, but that’s not enough. You have to be a lot more specific than that. So, ask yourself some important questions.

What is it that your pet mostly reacts to negatively? Other dogs, other people, certain specific environments, noises? The answer will help you not only find those experts that can successfully resolve the particular problems your canine has, but also explain the problems clearly to those experts, thus maximizing the chances of getting them fixed. Thus, figuring out what your pet specifically needs should be your step number one.

2. Check Local Directories

There are, without a doubt, some great trainers that you can find in Syracuse. But, you have to know how to find them, right? Well, for one thing, you can, and should, check the local directories and thus get familiar with some professionals that operate in this area. Remember to look for those local experts that specialize in reactivity, because that is, essentially, the problem that you want to fix. Click this to learn about the benefits of hiring trainers in general.

3. Talk to Other People

Apart from checking those local directories, you may want to discuss the issue with some locals as well. That is, you should talk to other canine owners that may have had to deal with similar problems in the past. They could tell you what to expect from the training process, and they could also recommend certain trainers, in case they have been happy with the services received from them. On the other hand, they may also warn you against some of these professionals, in the event that they have had poor experiences with them. Whatever the case, you can get some quite useful insights from the people you know, so remember to talk to them.


4. Search the Web

You cannot, naturally, skip the important step of searching the World Wide Web for information. As we are all going digital, so to speak, it is not a surprise that some great canine trainers from Syracuse will be online today, meaning that you’ll be able to find them by browsing the Internet. You’ll find their websites, as well as their social media pages, and you’ll be able to check those out in more details in order to determine if they could be the right people for the training work you need to have done or not. Use this step to complete your list of potential experts, but also remember to check out some success stories and similar important information that could indicate the quality of work performed by those professionals.

5. Check Qualifications

After you’ve made the list of potential dog trainers in Syracuse, you should definitely start digging deeper for information on them. And, checking qualifications is another crucial thing to do before making any final choices. You want to be sure that the professionals you’re hiring are qualified enough to perform the necessary work, as well as that they hold the necessary licenses. Most probably, you will be able to find these pieces of information on their official websites, but if not, you can always search elsewhere online, or inquire about it directly when you get in touch.

6. Read Reviews

Your next step should be focused on checking the quality of work of the experts you’re considering. How can you do that? Well, among other things, you should read reviews written about Sit Means Sit and about any other professionals you’re considering, so as to check what the past clients have to say. If you find that they have mostly been happy with the services received, that should be a good sign. On the other hand, if you find that most people are complaining, that should be a clear red flag.

7. Schedule a Consultation

You should never make any final hires before having a consultation with the trainers you’re considering. These consultations will give you the opportunity to clearly explain the problem, as well as to get a better sense about the type of work and the specific training methods that the professionals are using. You’ll get to discuss the training goals and plans, and to, thus, check if those are to your liking or if you should keep on looking further.

8. Consider the Costs

While you are most likely ready to pay anything it takes to have the reactivity issue resolved, you should certainly not rush into things and not make any agreements before comparing the costs. After all, you don’t want to get ripped off. So, comparing the prices will help you make a good choice, but you should remember to keep all of the other factors in mind as well, and not decide based on the costs alone.


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